Thursday, January 8, 2015

British paratroopers

Impressed by the success of German airborne operations during the battle of France, the british prime minister, Winston Churchill, directed the war office to investigate the possibility of creating a force of 5,000 parachute troops. As a result, on 22 June 1940, nr 2 commando assumed parachute duties, and on 21 November was re-designated the 11th Special Air Service Battalion, with a parachute and glider wing.
On 21 June 1940 the Central Landing was formed at near Manchester. Although tasked primarily with training parachute troops, it was also directed to investigate the use of gliders to transport troops into battle. At the same time, the Ministry of Aircraft Production contracted General Aircraft to design and produce a glider for this purpose.The result was the Hotspur, which was capable of transporting eight soldiers and was used for both assault and training purposes.
The success of the first British airborne raid, Operation Colossus, prompted the War Office to expand the airborne force through the creation of the Parachute Regiment, and to develop plans to convert several infantry battalions into parachute and glider battalions.On 31 May 1941, a joint army and air force memorandum was approved by the staff and Winston Churchill; it recommended that the British airborne forces should consist of two parachute brigades, one based in England and the other in the Middle East, and that a glider force of 10,000 men should be created.

Airfix british paratroopers
I actually found this set in a box of mix airfix, i was nicely surprised that it was the complete set, but disappointed that one pose had tip sub-machine gun broken, but i saw that it was very slim, so no big deal, they wore terrible half painted, i tried to re due the paint still they need a repaint.The set is not bad has some nice poses, the officer and submachine gun.

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